Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cognitive Dissonance Man (#79)

(click image to enlarge)

The superhero who causes cognitive dissonance. It's funny because I have to explain it.


  1. except that's not what cognitive dissonance means...

    "Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously"

  2. My fault for not being entirely clear. He's a superhero who causes cognitive dissonance in others. Can one feel comfortable supporting him or not?

  3. i see, that makes more sense.

    well he certainly has my support, he sounds like he'd make life more amusing.

  4. Yeah, he fought the Nazis back in World War II because he thought they didn't go far enough.

  5. lol, thats too funny. I just got out of psych class, so i know what its referring too.

  6. actually, that still isn't what cognitive dissonance is. it's a confliction between how you FEEL about something or someone and what you actually DO. For example, let's say Sally likes Jim, her coworker, but today at work she plays a nasty prank on him by sending an email she knows has a virus in it. That would cause cognitive dissonance in Nancy because she actually likes Jim but yet she was just mean to him. this confliction in her head can subconsiously cause her to change her opinion about Jim, convicincing herself that she must actually not like Jim because that is the only thing that would justify her actions.

  7. Well, cognitive dissonance is really only the uncomfortable feeling of trying to hold and justify two opposing ideas regarding the same subject. "This superhero is helpful!" and "I'm very uncomfortable by his rhetoric" definitely seem to qualify.
